How did you find out about Chase's Blog?

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Did I spook you? Aunt Beth here, under direct orders from Judith to post links to Chase's blog from Nebraska. Oh, you didn't know he was in Omaha? Well, Chase is the freshman manager for UNC's baseball team, and they're in the finals of the College World Series in Omaha, NE. Chase has been asked to write a column for the Greensboro News-Record! No, I have no idea how this came about, but I follow orders real well. Just a little late. He started blogging, er, last week sometime...

:: rummages through inbox ::

Last Friday, his first blog

Saturday, Opening Ceremony

Sunday, I don't ever want to leave!

Monday, reporting on a little family fun

Tuesday, Ouch

Wednesday, visiting some hospitalized kids

Thursday, Rocky!

Friday superstitions...

And he and Reece even got press in the Omaha paper!

So far, UNC's in winning mode. Well, there was that one game, but we won't mention that. Saturday is the first of the double elimination games against Oregon State, who just happen to be the defending champions. Watch them play on ESPN and keep an eye on this page for Chase's next installment! And note the picture - look at all that hair!

:: waves to Judith, fresh(?) from her 18 hour drive to Omaha ::

Go Heels!


Anonymous said...

You did it Beth! Thanks so much. It is great to have a place to always come to and see Chase's articles.
They were quite disappointed in the outcome of the championship series, but, I have to say that Chase had the time of his life. We loved seeing him there in his "element" and Coach Fox along with the other coaches all told us how much they loved having him there too. :-)
So, now that we are done with baseball as a team, he is now doing baseball camps at both UNC and Tulane. Yes, he is in demand. We won't see him much at home this summer.
Keep living your dream Chase, I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Just wondering how Chase is doing now. My son has the same type tumor and seems going through the same chemo theropy as Chase did and he is having proton beam at MGH right now.

Best wishes,