:: rubs eyes with fists ::
A new blog???
Yup. The sitemeter keeps rising so I figure someone other than Grandma's checking in occasionally. Chase has been back in Chapel Hill, doing whatever it is he does with the baseball team and whatnot, looking forward to getting back into school full time.
Speaking of baseball, Mom and I met Judith and Buddy today in Chapel Hill today to watch a double header with Duke (yeah, Mom & I were a little late seeing as we got there just in time for the 9th inning of the second game). But the real reason we went was for this!
In honor of Reece Holbrook (Coach Holbrook's son) and Chase, the entire baseball team "volunteered" (some more willingly than others), to shave their heads to raise money for pediatric cancer research at UNC. With 39 team members charging $100 a head, they hoped to raise nearly $4000.
If I were having my head shaved, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with everyone laughing...
At any rate, it was a huge success, and they raised over $5000! So the coaches had to get their heads shaved too. Even head coach Fox!
A few more pictures. Sorry I don't know names, and I don't even know if the camera was in my hands when these pics were taken, but here ya go:
If we're lucky, Chase will add some names to these pictures. If we're really lucky...
The link to the donation site from the Carolina Baseball news site is still active. Just sayin'
PS. He's got hair growing back. Just a little bit so far...be very, very quiet - we don't want to scare it away...