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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No news is good news.

Treatment went faster today - just an hour! And every day it seems, they're asked to report earlier. Tomorrow they have to be there by 3:15. Soon they'll have to get up before noon! Heh. Finally, someone in the family who sleeps later than I do!

I guess it's pretty boring in the treatment room, and he reports the radiation smells awful. He doesn't think cologne will help because it comes from within. He can't chew gum because he can't move. Maybe some of these breath strips right before treatment?

It's so boring he's also had plenty of time to count the light beams. There are 21 zaps on one side of his head, then they swap the acrylic forms and brass shields and do 21 on the other side. I guess he can't count the spine stuff unless they prop up a mirror for him.

Hey, if anyone at UNC Hospital is reading this, can you puh-lease get records to send his first MRI? Thankyouverymuch.

And Chase, if I hear that you've groaned and called Judith a loser again for taking pics, this lovely picture of your favorite local restaurant's sign will be replaced by the picture of your messy room.

Or worse. Capisce?

4 down, 16 to go!

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