How did you find out about Chase's Blog?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I could say "boo" like my sister did, but that would be too much like her and she wouldn't want me to be like her. Hee hee, but it is almost Halloween! This is no trick, I am blogging, yes, me, Judith; Chase's mom. It has been two years now and we are so thankful that Chase has continued to be tumor free. YEAH! His MRI's every three months are a "pain" he says and merely an inconvenience. Such a teenager, oops, can't say that anymore, he is 20 now! Man, I'm getting old.

There are many things going on in our lives that have to do with raising awareness of pediatric cancer, especially with the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. I am proud to say that my school is part of a great community and we are raising money for a great cause.

Keep watching the blog for more information!

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