How did you find out about Chase's Blog?

Saturday, December 09, 2006

:: Sigh :: I misplaced the camera with today's pictures on it. Sorry...hopefully it'll return from its personal black hole soon!

Mom and I headed to Chapel Hill this afternoon, braving the traffic, 'cause Chase was starving and needed a Quizno's sub (please and thank you). When we got there we noticed he was in a surprisingly good mood. What happened? Well, I'm not one to notice much, but I think it might have had something to do with his visitor with the cute glasses. Maybe she'll show up again so I can, collect more data. Or maybe he was just looking forward to eating that sub. At any rate, it was nice to see him so cheerful especially considering he'd perfected the sullen teenager act the last couple of days.

One day of chemo down; four more to go. He tried to convince the nurse to push it so he could get out faster. I think her description of how it affected one girl's digestive system properly deterred him. I won't ruin your breakfast (lunch, dinner) by recounting, but think really bad stomach flu...

I got coerced into playing Spades instead of my beloved Mexican Train. I lost.

1 comment:

chasenews said...

Hey, I didn't wear my glasses yesterday either! We're like twins!

Sorry, I must still be on a sugar high from the party last night. Or the cleaning solution fumes...