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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Judith and I had some "creative differences" over blog content, so I'm pouting.
There. I'm done.

Yesterday's radiation session didn't go too smoothly. The machine quit part way through! That doesn't give me warm fuzzies... The technicians sent him out to the lobby to brood while they poked and prodded, rebooted and whatnot. If he couldn't finish the day's treatment, he'd have to add another one on at the end - oh NO! Finally it came back online and he got to finish. Whew! So off they went to celebrate at Chuy's (one of my favorite Tex-Mex restaurants from our year in TX).

Today there's no treatment, so he gets to do homework instead of seeing this guy (Dr. Woo):

Tomorrow they'll visit Angel Debbie's church and have lunch with her. Then back to the grind on Monday.

2 down, 18 to go!

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